Never Regret is a clothing brand based in the Netherlands dedicated to those who believe in themselves and don’t regret any choice they’ve made in life. We like to encourage people to follow their dreams and live life to the fullest. Our brand stands for passion and dedication, it’s about making your own choices but never forget the people around you.


Guider of souls, protector of man
Have no regrets when you meet him, if you can
He lures you into the night, where only he can see
Nocturnal paths are laid out for thee
Your soul and body, apart he will lead
His guidance among stars, is all you’ll need



In the depths of the sea, restless, raging
Fury hides in anger, patiently waiting
A sight to behold, for no man to see
One glance at its skin, and doom awaits thee
In roar he rises, with a deathly howling cry
Drawn into the deep, a ship shall die



In the depths of the sea, restless, raging
Fury hides in anger, patiently waiting
A sight to behold, for no man to see
One glance at its skin, and doom awaits thee
In roar he rises, with a deathly howling cry
Drawn into the deep, a ship shall die



The black cat’s eyes, so eerie, so bright
He creeps around in shadowless nights
Forever balanced between two worlds
Forever balanced until the mystery unfurls
Shrouded in mystery the answers shall be
Hidden for us, no mortal shall see



The rhino stands for strength, power and confidence. It’s one of our favourite animals and it connects with the Never Regret lifestyle: believe in yourself and don’t regret anything you do, in the end it makes you who you are. With your support we can make a change: together we can save animals! Rhinos are becoming increasingly rare in the wild, on average, a rhino is poached every 22 hours. Why? Because of demand for their horn, as a status symbol and because it is falsely assumed to have medicinal qualities. Three of the five rhino species are critically endangered. Together we can stop poaching and habitat loss so that in 20 years’ time, rhinos will no longer be near extinction.

With each item sold, we donate 1 euro to the Save The Rhino Foundation. You can learn more about what they do on SaveTheRhino.org.